When We Cease to Understand the World

When We Cease to Understand the World Benjamín Labatut


When We Cease to Understand the World

A fictional examination of the lives of real-life scientists and thinkers whose discoveries resulted in moral consequences beyond their imagining.

When We Cease to Understand the World is a book about the complicated links between scientific and mathematical discovery, madness, and destruction.

Fritz Haber, Alexander Grothendieck, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger: these are some of luminaries into whose troubled lives Labatut's book thrusts the reader, showing us how they grappled with the most profound questions of existence.

They have strokes of unparalleled genius, alienate friends and lovers, descend into isolation and insanity.

Some of their discoveries reshape human life to the better; others pave the way to chaos and unimaginable suffering. The lines are never clear.

At a breakneck pace and with a wealth of disturbing detail, Benjamin Labatut uses the imaginative resources of fiction to tell the stories of scientists and mathematicians who expanded our notions of the possible.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (3)

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Quando abbiamo smesso di capire il mondo
When We Cease to Understand the World
When We Cease to Understand the World


Resenhas para When We Cease to Understand the World (2)

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Genialidade, loucura e os nossos limites
on 22/2/22

8/2022 ? When We Cease to Understand the World #BenjaminLabatut ?11.02.2022 a 21.02.2022 ?06h02min, 192 p. @nyrbooks Gostei muito. São cinco textos sobre físicos e matemáticos e os bastidores de grandes descobertas científicas. Os textos não têm relação direta, embora alguns personagens se repitam e a temática da genialidade/insanidade esteja sempre no ar. Não é propriamente um romance, mas também não é um texto de não ficção. Muitos dos fatos realmente aconteceram, mas há uma dose ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 7
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Pedro S.
cadastrou em:
26/04/2021 11:03:32
Pedro S.
editou em:
26/04/2021 11:08:33

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