Why Trey let me get away

Why Trey let me get away Kortney Keisel


Why Trey let me get away (Famously in love #1)

Second chances are relationship Hail Marys. I'll either win Whitney's love or go home brokenhearted.


Whitney Savittieri is the one that got away, and I'll do anything—including strategizing with my teammates—to get her back.

Never mind that she's giving me the stiff arm and wants nothing to do with me. We're going head to head, and I'm playing for keeps.

I've been in a lot of pressure-packed games, but the stakes are higher this time—my heart and my happiness are on the line.


I'm avoiding my ex like the plague—like a really, really handsome plague.

While Trey's risen to fame in the NFL, my life has gone so far off track I've derailed and am careening into a ditch.

So I promised myself I'd never love again. It's too risky—a woman can only take so much disappointment.

Giving us another chance is a mistake my future and my heart can't afford.

Why Trey Let Me Get Away is a second chance, sports romance with all the sizzling chemistry but no spice. It's considered a closed door romantic comedy and is the first book in the Famously In Love duology about two celebrity siblings and their paths to love.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Why Trey let me get away


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Tenho questões com este livro?
on 6/2/24

Quando coloquei este livro na minha lista, não me liguei que era da Kortney Keisel. Estava com vontade de ler um football romance e comecei esse, aí sim, logo no início, percebendo que era um ?continuação? de Complete. Por que falar tudo isso? Porque os dois têm um ponto em comum que me desagradou: atitudes dos MMC. Meu problema com o Ben (MMC de Complete) foi o fato de ele ser convencido, sonso e ter masculinidade frágil. Já o Trey me desagradou de uma maneira diferente. Enquanto o Be... leia mais


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Bia Occhi
cadastrou em:
21/08/2023 22:05:20
Bia Occhi
editou em:
21/08/2023 22:07:35