Will They or Won

Will They or Won't They Ava Wilder


Will They or Won't They

On screen, they're in love. Off screen, they can't stand each other. Two co-stars with a complex history reunite to film the final season of a beloved paranormal drama in this tension-filled will they won't they romance from the author of How to Fake It in Hollywood.

Lilah Hunter and Shane McCarthy are madly in love— at least, their characters are. As the stars of the hit paranormal TV show Intangible, they spent years pining for each other on-screen… until Lilah ditched the show at the end of season five in hopes of becoming a film star. With no such luck, she’s back to film the much-hyped ninth and final season, in which their characters will get together at last.

But coming back means facing one of the biggest reasons she left: Shane. Ever since their secret behind-the-scenes fling imploded at the end of the first season, the two of them have despised each other.

Now back on set together for the first time in years, with the world’s eyes on them and their post-show careers on the line, they’ll have to grit their teeth and play nice. But under pressure to give Intangible’s fans the happy ending they’ve been waiting for, Lilah and Shane are forced to get closer than ever. And if they’re not careful, they just might get blindsided by one final twist: a real-life happy ending of their own.


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Will They or Won


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How to Fake it in Hollywood
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Resenhas para Will They or Won't They (8)

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Um prato cheio para quem já fez parte de fandom de série
on 9/7/23

Eu vou ser sincera ao dizer que só comecei o livro por conta de ele ter feito sucesso em meio aos fãs de arquivo x pela sinopse parecer tanto com Gillian Anderson e David Duchovny (e não só a sinopse, mas vários aspectos do livro com certeza foram inspirados). No fim acabei gostando muito mais do que pensei que gostaria. Toda essa coisa da parte de produção da série, as entrevistas, a paley fest, upfronts são coisas que eu tenho muita familiaridade por ser fã de série desde minha ado... leia mais


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15/12/2022 23:10:14
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15/12/2022 23:11:16

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