Woke Up Like This

Woke Up Like This Amy Lea


Woke Up Like This

"Amy Lea's Woke Up Like This reminded me that the exciting and complicated feelings of our teenage years never truly fade away. The book perfectly captures high school nostalgia . . . It's a feel-good story for the young and young at heart." --Mindy Kaling

For two high school seniors, it's seventeen going on thirty--overnight--in a magical romantic comedy about growing up too fast and living in the moment.

Planning the perfect prom is one last "to do" on ultra-organized Charlotte Wu's high school bucket list. So far, so good, if not for a decorating accident that sends Charlotte crash-landing off a ladder, face-first into her obnoxiously ripped archnemesis J. T. Renner. Worse? When Charlotte wakes up, she finds herself in an unfamiliar bed at thirty years old, with her bearded fiancé, Renner, by her side.

Either they've lost their minds or they've been drop-kicked into adulthood, forever trapped in the thirty-year-old bodies of their future selves. With each other as their only constant, Charlotte and Renner discover all that's changed in the time they've missed. Charlotte also learns there's more to Renner than irritating-jock charm, and that reaching the next milestone isn't as important as what happens in between.

Navigating a series of adventures and a confounding new normal, Charlotte and Renner will do whatever it takes to find a way back to seventeen. But when--and if--they do, what then

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Woke Up Like This


Resenhas para Woke Up Like This (15)

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on 30/6/24

Eu não esperava gostar desse livro mas eu gostei. Amei. Tinha hora que meu coração parecia que ia explodir de amor. Me fez ficar reflexiva esse livro viu. Sobre o futuro. (Estou perto dos 30 anos?) Li em dois dias o livro. Com certeza irei ler futuramente o ebook em português que comprei na promoção. Li ebook em inglês pelo Kindle Unlimited. Conteúdo: alguns palavrões; cena de "pegação" entre FMC e MMC.... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 88
ranking 39
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cadastrou em:
08/10/2023 15:56:50
editou em:
08/10/2023 16:01:08

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