Wolf of Fire

Wolf of Fire Krista Street


Wolf of Fire (Supernatural Curse #1)

Paranormal Shifter Romance

When her twin sister goes missing, Tala hires the Shadow Zone’s most notorious dark hunter—a fiery hot werewolf with secrets that rival her own.

Practically Perfect. That’s the name of the magic shop my witch twin and I own in Chicago’s supernatural marketplace. In reality, things are not so perfect.

Tessa's the face of our shop. She draws in the customers to buy our potions, brews, spells, and enchantments. I’m the sensible sister moving boxes in the back. It works, sort of, and we have a pretty good life . . . until Tessa disappears.

My instincts tell me my sister didn’t leave by choice. But here’s the problem—this isn’t the first time she’s flitted off, forcing me to bail her out of trouble. So the authorities think I’m crying wolf. Again.

I have no choice but to venture to the Black Underbelly—part bar, part brothel, entirely dangerous—to hire the most notorious dark hunter in the Shadow Zone.

The Fire Wolf has flames in his eyes and a body that makes my mind go places it shouldn’t. I shouldn’t want him. I shouldn’t crave him.

Although none of that matters when we discover the reason behind Tessa’s abduction. Overnight I become a pawn in a much larger game that I never wanted to play.

Wolf of Fire is book one in a four-book shifter paranormal romance series with passionate slow-burn steam. Start reading today!

Fantasia / Romance

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Wolf of Fire


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on 17/2/23

É esse! Eu li um monte de livro mais ou menos recentemente, que nem me deu vontade de deixar reviews, alguns eu nem terminei mesmo de tão chato, então nem registrei aqui. Mas esse! Esse et aquele livro que não te faz querer parar de ler. Hot as hell e com mates, magia, lobisomens. Amei! Quero logo começar o projeto.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
17/02/2023 09:31:00
editou em:
17/02/2023 09:31:12

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