Writing Fantasy Heroes

Writing Fantasy Heroes Jason M. Waltz


Writing Fantasy Heroes

Powerful Advice from the Pros

Fantasy heroes endure. They are embedded in our cultural fabric, dwarfing other literary figures and the mere men and women of history. Achilles and Odysseus, Gilgamesh and Beowulf. King Arthur and Robin Hood, Macbeth and Sherlock Holmes, Conan and Luke Skywalker. They dominate our legends, and tower over popular culture.

The stories we tell each other begin and end with fantasy heroes, and the 21st Century is as thoroughly captivated with them as ever. From Batman to Gandalf, Harry Potter to Tyrion Lannister, the heroes of fantasy speak to—and for—whole generations.

But what makes a fantasy hero? How do the best writers create them, and bring them to life on the page? In WRITING FANTASY HEROES some of the most successful fantasy writers of our time--Steven Erikson, C.L. Werner, Brandon Sanderson, Janet & Chris Morris, Cecelia Holland, Alex Bledsoe, Jennifer Brozek, Ian C. Esslemont, Orson Scott Card, Ari Marmell, Cat Rambo, Howard Andrew Jones, Paul Kearney and Glen Cook--pull back the curtain to reveal the secrets of creating heroes that live and breathe, and steal readers' hearts.

Whether you're an aspiring writer or simply a reader who loves great fantasy and strong characters, this book is for you.


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Writing Fantasy Heroes


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Resenha: Writing Fantasy Heroes - Dicas Doidimais de Escritores Fodásicos da Fantasi
on 18/12/14

Eu adoro ler dicas e as experiências de escritores veteranos e não podia deixar de ler o Writing Fantasy Heroes: Powerful Advice from the Pros assim que descobri esse livro em um blog americano de dicas para escritores. O Writing Fantasy Heroes é uma coletânea de artigos escritos por feras da literatura de fantasia, e introduzido por não menos que Steven "Malazan" Erikson, um dos meus maiores ídolos da literatura (incluindo todo tipo de literatura!). Além do Steven, o livro contém ... leia mais


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18/12/2014 09:40:48

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