Yesterday Is History

Yesterday Is History Kosoko Jackson


Yesterday Is History

Andre Cobb hopes his luck is finally turning around. After being sick for as long as he can remember, he's finally gotten the liver transplant he desperately needed. Now his life can finally begin. But weeks after the operation, he feels shaky and ill, passes out, and wakes up somewhere totally unexpected...the past.

Somehow, he's slipped through time to the 1960s version of his neighborhood in Boston. While there he meets Michael, who he is instantly connected to. Michael is everything Andre is not. He's free-spirited, artistic, and open to all of life's possibilities.

But just as suddenly as he arrived, Andre slips back to present-day Boston. As he tries to figure out what happened, the family of his donor reaches out to let him know his new liver may have side effects... of the time travel variety. They task their youngest son, Blake, with the job of helping Andre figure out the ins and outs of his new ability.

As Andre trains with Blake, he can't help but feel attracted to him. Blake understands Andre in a way no one else ever has. But every time Andre journeys to the past, he's drawn back into to Michael's world.

Torn between two boys, one in the past and one in the present, Andre has to figure out where he belongs and more importantly who he wants to be before the consequences of jumping in time catch up to him and changes his fate for good.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Yesterday Is History


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Consequências de viajar no tempo
on 30/9/23

O livro Yesterday is History é um romance de ficção científica que explora as consequências de viajar no tempo e se apaixonar por pessoas de diferentes épocas. O protagonista, Andre, é um adolescente negro e gay que recebe um transplante de fígado que lhe dá a habilidade de saltar entre o presente e o passado. Ele conhece dois garotos que mexem com seu coração: Michael, um músico rebelde de 1969, e Blake, o irmão mais novo do doador do fígado, que é encarregado de ensiná-lo a controlar... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 22
ranking 32
ranking 55
ranking 14
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cadastrou em:
21/03/2019 12:41:18
editou em:
19/11/2020 09:40:29