You Can Do All Things

You Can Do All Things Kate Allan...


You Can Do All Things

Drawings, Affirmations and Mindfulness to Help With Anxiety and Depression

Mindfulness, drawings and meditations
Fans of Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson, Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh, Introvert Doodles by Maureen Marzi Wilson, and the works of Liz Climo will love You Can Do All Things.

Daily meditations to help with depression and anxiety: Mental health is a topic that affects everyone, though so few are eager to discuss it. You Can Do All Things is a compendium of knowing-yet-supportive illustrations from The Latest Kate, whose thoughtful quotations encourage the reader to be mindful of their own mentality and to take care of themselves, regardless of image or lifestyle. Calming and supportive, the illustrations are also candid about the internal problems many people face in this hectic modern world.

Inspirational, gentle drawings of animals: The Latest Kate's inventive pairing of whimsical colors and friendly, smiling animals is the spoonful of sugar that makes the heavy subject matter approachable and non-threatening. You Can Do All Things is a welcome addition to any bookshelf or art wall, and its messages are equally applicable to adults and children.

In this book you’ll find:

Beautiful, whimsical, and colorful art
Expressions of encouragement for any hardship you face
A how-to guide for dealing with anxiety and depression
Understanding and validation for your struggles
Cute animals that believe in you!
Tips for every time you feel inadequate, overwhelmed, or down on yourself
Anxiety sucks, but you don’t. This book will show you how to get through the worst of it.

Art for mental health, relaxation and stress reduction.

Artes / Autoajuda / HQ, comics, mangá / Não-ficção

Edições (1)

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You Can Do All Things


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Muito fofinho! Um livro bom pra passar o tempo e esvaziar a mente :) cheio de figuras bonitinhas e mensagens legais... leia mais


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03/04/2020 14:24:51

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