Back in a Spell

Back in a Spell Lana Harper


Back in a Spell (The Witches of Thistle Grove #3)

Even though she won’t deny her love for pretty (and pricey) things, Nineve Blackmoore is almost painfully down-to-earth and sensible by Blackmoore standards. But after a year of nursing a broken heart inflicted by the fiancée who all but ditched her at the altar, the powerful witch is sick of feeling low and is ready to try something drastically different: a dating app.

At her best friend’s urging, Nina goes on a date with Morty Gutierrez, the nonbinary, offbeat soul of spontaneity and co-owner of the Shamrock Cauldron. Their date goes about as well as can be expected of most online dates—awkward and terrible. To make matters worse, once Morty discovers Nina’s last name, he’s far from a fan; it turns out that the Blackmoores have been bullishly trying to buy the Shamrock out from under Morty and his family.

But when Morty begins developing magical powers—something that usually only happens to committed romantic partners once they officially join a founding family—at the same time that Nina’s own magic surges beyond her control, Nina must manage Morty’s rude awakening to the hidden magical world, uncover its cause, and face the intensity of their own burgeoning connection. But what happens when that connection is tied to Nina’s power surge, a power she’s finding nearly as addictive as Morty’s presence in her life?

Fantasia / Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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"I think that out of all of this you were the best gift by far. And I think we see wh

Mais uma história fofa dessa série. Adorei a química e a interação entre o casal, o desenvolvimento deles também. Minha única ressalva é o fato de Morty se identificar como não-binárie e usar também pronomes masculinos, achei que a autora deixou de explorar esse detalhe.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
04/11/2022 20:28:27
editou em:
04/11/2022 20:28:48

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