In Charm

In Charm's Way Lana Harper


In Charm's Way (The Witches of Thistle Grove #4)

A witch struggling to regain what she has lost casts a dangerous spell and finds much more than she expected in this enchanting new rom-com by New York Times bestselling Lana Harper.

Seven months after having been hit by an accidental power surge that nearly obliterated her memory, Delilah Harlow is still picking up the pieces. Her once diamond-sharp mind has become shaky and unreliable, and bristly, self-sufficient Delilah is forced to rely on friends, family, and her raven familiar for help. In an effort to reclaim her wits and former independence, she casts a forbidden blood spell meant to harness power with healing capacities.
While the spell does restore clarity, it also unexpectedly turns Delilah into an irresistible beacon for the kind of malevolent supernatural creatures that have never ventured into Thistle Grove before. One night--just as things are about to go terribly sideways with a rogue succubus--a mysterious stranger appears in the nick of time to save Delilah's soul.

Gorgeous, sultry, and as dangerous as the knives she carries, Catriona Quinn is a hunter of monsters--and half-human half-creature herself, the kind of sly and morally gray fae Delilah would normally find horrifying. Though Delilah balks at the idea of a partnership, she has no choice but to roll the dice on their collaboration. As the two delve deeper into the power that underlies Thistle Grove, they uncover not only the town's hidden history but also a risky attraction that could upend Delilah's entire life.

Ficção / Humor, Comédia / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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In Charm


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From Bad to Cursed
Back in a Spell

Resenhas para In Charm's Way (2)

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"Like two binary stars, chained to each other as they wheeled together through the da

A autora pode continuar mandando histórias de bruxas sáficas que tá pouco. Minha única ressalva foi a resolução do conflito entre Delilah e Kat, que foi muito fácil para o que estava em jogo. Ponto positivo para a jornada de Delilah, mas um negativo porque nunca tem o POV da outra pessoa (que tistreza).... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
28/12/2022 12:18:09
editou em:
27/06/2023 17:03:26

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