Far From Neverland

Far From Neverland Rylee Hale


Far From Neverland

Peter Pan left Neverland and grew up. Now I want him back.

It’s been fourteen years since he left, since Neverland’s star died out, since a blanket of frost fell over the island. Despite the Jolly Roger being anchored in a layer of ice, I’m not yet willing to give up this perfect, Peter Panless Neverland.

Well, it’s not completely perfect. A threat looms here, a shadow devouring the island. I don’t want Pan back, but he’s the only one who can stop it. However, when I find him, there are two problems.

One, Peter Pan has no memory of who he really is.

Two, I can’t seem to resist him.

Making him remember isn’t going to be easy, and not just because I hate him like sin, just like all the sinful thoughts he inspires. I can’t allow him to distract me. The fate of Neverland hangs in the balance.

The old Peter Pan has died, and a new one’s risen from his ashes. He’s a star—Neverland’s sun—and I don’t care if I get burned.

Captain Hook is very much the villain we all love in this standalone MM dark romance. This Peter Pan retelling is a contemporary fantasy with most of the story taking place in the modern world and contains trigger warnings, high angst, and a HEA. Specific content warnings can be found on the author’s website.


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Far From Neverland


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on 14/10/23

PERFEITOSSSSSS? Simplesmente superou todas as minhas espectativas. Gancho e Peter são um casal totalmente improvável mas ao mesmo tempo faz tanto sentido!? Eu amei a evolução do gancho, ver ele entendendo que ele amava o Peter e que tava tudo bem foi incrível para mim e ao mesmo tempo quando o Peter disse que não poderia amar, pq ele era feito de magia eu me quebrei um pouquinho...cara, o gancho já tava apaixonado e o pan mete essa kkkkkkkkk ainda bem que James Hook é um cara teimoso c... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 272
ranking 43
ranking 34
ranking 19
ranking 4
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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
19/01/2023 16:27:32
editou em:
28/01/2023 00:55:10