Gypsy Rising

Gypsy Rising Kristy Cunning


Gypsy Rising (All The Pretty Monsters #5)

Sing, gypsies, sing of your lies...

That old song plays in my head, as the world turns around me faster than it has ever turned.

Monsters and mayhem. That's become my life.

Fear and apprehension. That's become the normal for those around me.

Dread and distraction. That's what has interrupted my own personal romance story with my mon-star quad.

Vengeance and retribution. That was the theme of the monster world long before I landed in it, and it's starting to heat up more than ever.

Jabs from a complicated, ancient past keep coming so much and so quickly that I've grown desensitized to them. Which is a good thing, since I'm about to need a thick skin.

I guess it's time to see if I can handle being in the middle, because that's where I'm about to put myself. My mother always did accuse me of being a masochist. I'm starting to think she must be right.

Either they love me, or they love her.

I suppose it's time to find out who wins. I don't fight pretty, and I'm not that great at smack talk.

It's not that they're not worth fighting for. I just don't want to have to fight for them. Not when I'm fighting bigger battles already. Either we're in this together, or I'm on my own. That's for them to decide on their own.

Let the games begin.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Gypsy Rising


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on 8/11/20

Gypsy Rising é o quinto volume da série All The Pretty Monsters, e estamos cada vez mais próximos do fim dessa série maravilhosa. No livro anterior, tivemos o retorno de Marta Portocale, o levante dos Neoprys e Simpletons (odeio esse termo, puts) é ainda descobrimos que Idun já está acordada e a solta há meses! Foram muitas e muitas revelações e em Gypsy Rising não é diferente. Violet tomou para si os cuidados de todos os Simpletons. Ela construiu sozinha, em 5 meses, um Santuári... leia mais


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