
Hatter's Castle A. J. Cronin
A. J. Cronin


Hatter's Castle

A novel

A Família Brodie: O Castelo do Homem Sem Alma (Hatter's Castle /1931) is the first novel of author A. J. Cronin. The story is set in 1879, in the fictional town of Levenford, on the Firth of Clyde. The plot revolves around many characters and has many subplots, all of which relate to the life of the hatter, James Brodie, whose narcissism and cruelty gradually destroy his family and life. The book was made into a successful film in 1942 starring Robert Newton, Deborah Kerr, and James Mason. -- In 1930, after being diagnosed with a chronic duodenal ulcer, Cronin was told he must take six months' complete rest in the country on a milk diet. At Dalchenna Farm by Loch Fyne, he was finally able to indulge his lifelong desire to write a novel, having theretofore "written nothing but prescriptions and scientific papers". From Dalchenna Farm he travelled to Dumbarton to research the background of the novel, using the files of Dumbarton Library, which still has the letter from Cronin requesting advice on this. He composed Hatter's Castle in the span of three months, and the manuscript was quickly accepted by Gollancz, the only publishing house to which it had been submitted (apparently chosen when his wife randomly stuck a pin into a list of publishers). This novel, which was an immediate and sensational success, launched his career as a prolific author, and he never returned to practising medicine.

Many of Cronin's books were bestsellers which were translated into numerous languages. His strengths included his compelling narrative skill and his powers of acute observation and graphic description. Although noted for its deep social conscience, his work is filled with colourful characters and witty dialogue. Some of his stories draw on his medical career, dramatically mixing realism, romance, and social criticism. Cronin's works examine moral conflicts between the individual and society as his idealistic heroes pursue justice for the common man. One of his earliest novels, The Stars Look Down, chronicles transgressions in a mining community in Northeast England and an ambitious miner's rise to be a Member of Parliament. Cronin's humanism continues to inspire - the film Billy Elliot was partly drawn from The Stars Look Down, and the opening song of Billy Elliot the Musical is entitled thus as a tribute. Through the years, Cronin's body of work has influenced many people to become writers or to enter the medical profession, including Giorgio Armani, who planned to become a doctor before becoming a designer.

A prodigiously fast writer, Cronin liked to average 5,000 words a day, meticulously planning the details of his plots in advance. He was known to be tough in business dealings, although in private life he was a person whose "pawky humour...peppered his conversations," according to one of his editors, Peter Haining.

Cronin also contributed many stories and essays to various international publications. During World War II, he worked for the British Ministry of Information writing articles as well as participating in foreign radio broadcasts and similar engagements.

Aventura / Drama / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (5)

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O Castelo do Homem Sem Alma
O castelo do homem sem alma
O Castelo do Homem Sem Alma


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Prodigioso, mas um passaporte para o sofrimento
on 20/4/09

Quando tomei este livro emprestado, retirei um passaporte gratuito para o sofrimento. Céus!!!!! Como sofri... Tanto, que cheguei a me sentir meio masoquista, mas não conseguia deixar a leitura de lado, muito pelo contrário, fiquei tão envolvida que atropelei os serviços domésticos para contar com um tempinho extra e “correr” para o livro. Mesmo com a overdose de dramaticidade trata-se de um livro prodigioso, pois,Cronin, nos leva a uma profunda reflexão ao narrar a subjugação da fam... leia mais


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19/05/2014 00:12:50

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