The Shadow Friend

The Shadow Friend Alex North


The Shadow Friend

* PRE-ORDER YOUR COPY NOW, from the bestselling author of Richard & Judy Book Club pick The Whisper Man *

If it had happened to you, you would have run away too.

Twenty-five years ago, Paul's friend Charlie Crabtree brutally killed their classmate - and then vanished without a trace.

Paul's never forgiven himself for his part in what happened. He's never gone back home.

Until his elderly mother has a fall. It's finally time to stop running.

It's not long before things start to go wrong. His mother claims there's someone in the house. Paul realises someone is following him. And, in a town many miles away, a copycat killer has struck.

Which makes him wonder - what really happened to Charlie the day of the murder?

And can anyone stop it happening again?

Praise for Alex North
The best crime novel of the decade - Steve Cavanagh, bestselling author of Thirteen

First it's spooky. Then it's scary. Then it's terrifying. And then... well, dear reader, proceed at your own risk. An ambitious, deeply satisfying thriller - a seamless blend of Harlan Coben, Stephen King, and Thomas Harris. My flesh is still crawling - A. J. Finn, no.1 bestselling author of The Woman in the Window

Alex North has achieved the seemingly impossible. The Whisper Man is a thriller that is both terrifying and utterly heartbreaking. Mesmerising and masterful - Mark Billingham

A dark, creepy, thriller with a huge amount of heart. Damn, but Alex North can write! - Stuart MacBride

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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The Shadow Friend


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Resenha: The Shadows
on 12/7/20

Devorei The Shadows em cerca de duas horas. A escrita do Alex North captura minha atenção imediatamente no primeiro capítulo e achei impossível largar o livro. Confesso que fiquei com medo em alguns cpítulos também? A escrita do North tem uma qualidade que me perturba e faz algumas passagens parecerem assustadoras, especialmente quandosão relacionadas a sonhos lúcidos. A narrativa não linear me incomoda um pouco. Os capítulos passam de passado para presente e de terceira para primei... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 12
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cadastrou em:
24/12/2019 12:25:09
editou em:
23/01/2020 19:38:20

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