Crossing the Line

Crossing the Line Kendall Ryan


Crossing the Line (Hot Jocks #4)

Recovering from a pulled groin muscle isn’t exactly how I planned to spend my much-needed summer vacation. But being nursed back to health by my gorgeous friend Bailey, who’s just graduated from medical school, doesn’t exactly sound like a hardship.

We spend a week together at my family’s beach house, a week of swimming and barbecues, a week of entertaining my little cousins and sleeping right across the hall from each other. A week of watching Bailey grow closer with my mom and sisters, and my wacky but lovable grandma. A week of enjoying Bailey tending to me—which is saying something, because it involves a lot of shoving ice packs into my underwear and taping up sore muscles.

She’s funny and kind, and after just being myself for the first time in a long time, I find my walls come tumbling down. But when Bailey says she’s not looking for a relationship, I’m bound and determined to be more than just the fun hookup who sprained his groin a second time—this time with her.

Your favorite hot jocks are back with an all-new standalone novel. If you like sexy, confident men who know how to handle a stick (on and off the ice), and smart women who are strong enough to keep all those big egos in check, this series is for you!

(Books can be enjoyed in any order.)


Edições (1)

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Crossing the Line


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Playing for Keeps
All the Way
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Devorando os livros dessa série...
on 4/5/21

A vibe dos livros, os casais, a escrita, tudo. Eu tô adorando essa série. São livros bem curtinhos, a leitura fluí super e são muito divertidos. Nesse quarto volume conhecemos a Bailey, que ta se formando em medicina e o Asher, um dos jogadores do time de hockey. Ele tá com uma lesão, e ela se oferece para ir em uma viagem com ele com a intenção de cuidar das lesões. Não preciso nem dizer que não é só isso que acontece né? Eu amo que esses livros não são aquela vive de amor instant... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
25/01/2020 04:57:49
editou em:
21/09/2022 14:11:09

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