Captured By The Monsters

Captured By The Monsters R L Caulder...


Captured By The Monsters

Our leaders said it’s an honor to be chosen to go to The Below.

I said f*ck that.

So close…I was so f*cking close to aging out of the selection process to be offered up to the monsters from The Below.

We never knew when we could be taken. It wasn’t some annual date we could mark on a calendar and avoid like a plague. We were at the complete whims of the monsters and their demands—demands that have increased over the past few years.

Rumors say the monsters ate all of their sacrifices, that their appetites weren’t easily appeased anymore, but I wasn’t convinced that was all.

What I did know for sure was that anyone selected was never seen again.

Two days before my twenty-fifth birthday, my name was drawn—only forty-eight short hours from becoming exempt.

How could life be so cruel?

I refused to accept this fate. I’d run. I’d fight. I’d do everything but give in.

Yet, The Below is a hostile, foreign terrain hellbent on killing all humans. Our bodies aren’t designed to survive there.

My only chance of living long enough to escape—give in to the monster's desires. Only they could give me what I needed. In return, they’d use me for their own needs.

Needs that I shouldn’t want, but found myself craving.

When they claimed I was their salvation, I started to second guess myself. They revered me like their queen with soft touches and a protectiveness that made my knees weak…

I wondered if I wanted to leave anymore.

Was this why no one ever returned to The Above?


Captured by the Monsters is a reverse harem standalone romance that will not end in a cliffhanger. Material is intended for mature audiences.

Fantasia / Ficção científica / Romance / Terror

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Captured By The Monsters


Resenhas para Captured By The Monsters (5)

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on 28/10/23

Minhas expectativas eram inexistentes, mas esperava ao menos um pingo de alegria... Mas pqp, que livro ruim; como eu terminei é um mistério. Nem o hot salvou. Absolutamente nada aqui faz sentido ou foi minimamente construído pra fazer sentido. Mistério e aventura nível sessão da tarde.... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.9 / 41
ranking 10
ranking 22
ranking 41
ranking 15
ranking 12



cadastrou em:
01/03/2022 15:10:19
editou em:
01/03/2022 15:11:41