The Herbwitch’s Apprentice

The Herbwitch’s Apprentice Ireen Chau


The Herbwitch’s Apprentice (Witches of Olderea #1)

In the kingdom of Olderea, dabbling in witchcraft is a sure way to the guillotine.

When sixteen-year-old debutante Amarante Flora finds out she’s half witch, all she wants is to get rid of her magic. After all, zapping Prince Ash in the midst of high society’s Season certainly won’t help her troublemaking reputation.

But the more her powers grow, the more she realizes magic—and the witches who possess it—are not as dangerous as she was led to believe. When the queen falls mysteriously ill, Amarante knows there are far more dangers lurking in the palace than in Witch Village.

Among potion-brewing and glittering receptions, Amarante joins Prince Ash in an investigation before innocent witches are condemned. However, uncovering the culprit’s schemes could mean exposing her magic. And exposing her magic would mean her very life—and the contempt of the prince she is trying to help.

Fantasia / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (3)

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Primeiro, acho que é importante dizer que "The Herbwitch's Apprentice" foi o primeiro livro da Ireen Chau, e esse foi um ponto que eu levei muito em consideração durante a leitura — não adiantava esperar "o livro da minha vida", porque isso não ia acontecer. Dito isso, eu até que me surpreendi. O livro conta a história de Amaranthe Flora, uma menina de 16/17 anos que acaba descobrindo que é uma bruxa no meio da Temporada de Casamentos (tipo Bridgerton, sabe?) e tem que lidar com ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 10
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Maria @booksofmary
cadastrou em:
02/11/2022 21:38:27
Maria @booksofmary
editou em:
02/11/2022 21:38:51

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