Twisted Games

Twisted Games Ana Huang


Twisted Games (Twisted #2)

A Forbidden Royal Bodyguard Romance

She can never be his…but he’s taking her anyway.

Stoic, broody, and arrogant, elite bodyguard Rhys Larsen has two rules: 1) Protect his clients at all costs 2) Do not become emotionally involved. Ever.

He has never once been tempted to break those rules…until her.

Bridget von Ascheberg. A princess with a stubborn streak that matches his own and a hidden fire that reduces his rules to ash. She’s nothing he expected and everything he never knew he needed.

Day by day, inch by inch, she breaks down his defenses until he’s faced with a truth he can no longer deny: he swore an oath to protect her, but all he wants is to ruin her. Take her.

Because she’s his.

His princess.

His forbidden fruit.

His every depraved fantasy.


Regal, strong-willed, and bound by the chains of duty, Princess Bridget dreams of the freedom to live and love as she chooses.

But when her brother abdicates, she’s suddenly faced with the prospect of a loveless, politically expedient marriage and a throne she never wanted.

And as she navigates the intricacies—and treacheries—of her new role, she must also hide her desire for a man she can’t have.

Her bodyguard.

Her protector.

Her ultimate ruin.

Unexpected and forbidden, theirs is a love that could destroy a kingdom…and doom them both.


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Twisted Games


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Resenhas para Twisted Games (13)

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Twisted games
4 weeks ago

O livro é muito bom! A escrita é leve e cativante. Os personagens te conquistam com o passar das páginas. A história dos dois é explicada com detalhes que te deixam com vontade de "devorar" a história para finalmente descobrir o que acontece. É importante lembrar que esse é o livro dois, então é super necessário ler na ordem certa para entender. Twisted love é um livro que vai te prender do começo ao fim mesmo sendo "clichê" não é "clichê clichê", a história só tem elementos parecido... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 106
ranking 54
ranking 34
ranking 8
ranking 4
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
25/07/2023 21:03:48
editou em:
25/07/2023 21:08:55

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