Canadian Boyfriend

Canadian Boyfriend Jenny Holiday


Canadian Boyfriend

Fate brings together a ballet teacher and a hockey player in this big-hearted novel about second chances and taking risks by the bestselling author Entertainment Weekly calls the “master of witty banter.”

Once upon a time teenage Aurora Evans met a hockey player at the Mall of America. He was from Canada. And soon, he was the perfect fake boyfriend, a get-out-of-jail-free card for all kinds of sticky situations. I can't go to prom. I'm going to be visiting my boyfriend in Canada. He was just what she needed to cover her social awkwardness. He never had to know. It wasn't like she was ever going to see him again...

Years later, Aurora is teaching kids’ dance classes and battling panic and eating disorders—souvenirs from her failed ballet career—when pro hockey player Mike Martin walks in with his daughter. Mike’s honesty about his struggles with widowhood helps Aurora confront some of her own demons, and the two forge an unlikely friendship. There’s just one problem: Mike is the boy she spent years pretending was her “Canadian boyfriend.”

The longer she keeps her secret, the more she knows it will shatter the trust between them. But to have the life she wants, she needs to tackle the most important thing of all—believing in herself.

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Canadian Boyfriend


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??? Canadá ???
2 weeks, 5 days ago

Que experiência incrível!!! Ler meu primeiro livro em inglês, no Canadá durante meu intercâmbio!!! E pra melhorar o livro é sobre um jogador de hóquei canadense com uma bailarina (eu danço ballet desde os meus 2 anos) então é o livro perfeito pra mim!!! Foi incrível poder ler o capítulo da Aurora indo assistir um jogo de hoquei pela primeira vez e tambem poder experimentar a sensação ao mesmo tempo. Ver eles indo assistir a aurora boreal e justamente eu também assistir na mesma noite... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
28/10/2023 20:46:27
editou em:
28/10/2023 20:46:45

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