Stay with Me

Stay with Me Mila Gray


Stay with Me (Come Back to Me #2)

Stay With Me capa dura e This is One Moment capa de papel. É o mesmo livro.

From the author of Come Back to Me comes a heartwrenching novel about a forbidden romance, a wounded marine, and the girl who’s determined to save him.

Didi Monroe has waited her whole life for happily ever after. So when charming Zac Ridgemont sweeps her off her feet, Didi believes she might finally have met the one.

Until she begins an internship at a military hospital in California. There she meets wounded marine Noel Walker. Frustrated on the outside and broken on the inside, Walker’s an irritating patient who refuses any care, keeping his distance from everything and everyone—including Didi.

Walker is strictly out of bounds. Didi knows this, respects this, but the more she tries to help Walker the closer the two grow. Soon neither one can ignore the sparks flying between them as their attraction simmers into dangerous territory.

But Walker doesn’t believe in love or happily ever after—not after what he’s seen. Not after what he’s been through. He doesn’t want to hurt Didi, but he doesn’t want to push her away either. She makes him feel peaceful. Hopeful, even.

Then tragedy hits, shattering both their worlds, and Didi realizes that love isn’t as simple as happily ever after. Love isn’t easy. It’s difficult. Messy. Complicated.

Now all Didi has to do is decide if it’s worth fighting for.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Stay with Me
This Is One Moment


Resenhas para Stay with Me (6)

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uma gracinha ??
on 22/12/20

Eu já AMO essa história. No começo parecia tão triste que eu imaginava como seria a inclusão do romance na trama, já prevendo o clichê de que o interesse romântico entra na vida da pessoa e tudo se resolve. Mas não!! O Walker tem uma consulta com o psicólogo e resolve dar uma chance as possibilidades ao seu redor depois de meses em uma dolorosa recuperação de um ferimento que ele sofreu servindo no Iraque, eu acho. A Didi inclusive tem um crush(por assim dizer) em um outro cara, que, d... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 15
ranking 33
ranking 47
ranking 13
ranking 7
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