The Bear and The Nightingale

The Bear and The Nightingale Katherine Arden


The Bear and The Nightingale (Winternight #1)

A young woman's family is threatened by forces both real and fantastical in this debut novel inspired by Russian fairy tales.In a village at the edge of the wilderness of northern Russia, where the winds blow cold and the snow falls many months of the year, a stranger with piercing blue eyes presents a new father with a gift - a precious jewel on a delicate chain,intended for his young daughter. Uncertain of its meaning, the father hides the gift away and his daughter, Vasya, grows up a wild, wilful girl, to the chagrin of her family. But when mysterious forces threaten the happiness of their village, Vasya discovers that, armed only with the necklace, she may be the only one who can keep the darkness at bay.Atmospheric and enchanting, with an engrossing adventure at its core, The Bear and the Nightingale is perfect for readers of Naomi Novik's Uprooted, Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus, and Neil Gaiman.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (3)

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The Bear and The Nightingale
The Bear and The Nightingale
The Bear and The Nightingale


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Um conto de fadas diferente
on 21/4/22

Da série fui com altas expectativas e não gostei tanto, temos: The Bear and the Nightingale. Eu gostei muito da história e da escrita que tem muito uma vibe de conto de fadas, porém a segunda parte foi extremamente arrastada o que me deu uma desanimada na leitura. Em contrapartida eu achei a última parte muito apressada, com muitos eventos acontecendo diretamente um atrás do outro sem nenhuma pausa. Apesar dos apesares, eu gostei mas não tenho certeza se vou continuar a série porém... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 81
ranking 36
ranking 41
ranking 17
ranking 5
ranking 1



João gregorio
cadastrou em:
28/10/2016 21:55:22
editou em:
19/06/2018 17:20:01

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