Allison Shatters the Looking-Glass

Allison Shatters the Looking-Glass C.M. Stunich


Allison Shatters the Looking-Glass (Harem of Hearts #3)

I'm so fucking scared right now.
No, not just scared―I'm terrified.
And if you're reading this, you should be, too.

I fell through the Looking-Glass; I got back home.
But get this: I didn't come alone. Oh, and it doesn't feel like home anymore.
Unlike Alice in the original story, this is not my Wonderland.

In the original story, the Walrus and the Carpenter didn't follow Alice back.
In that story, she didn't bring her harem of lovers with her to meet Dad.
Mom, Dad, meet my nine boyfriends; one of them's a faerie who foretells the future―is that what I'm supposed to say?

Back in Underland, things are even worse.
Betrayal, heartbreak, and death... that's all that's waiting for us in Castle Heart.
I'm "the Alice", bringer of prophecy, and I'm starting to fall for all nine men in my life.

So, can I stop the chaos that's rolling in on black wings?
If you're reading this, can you help me, please?
Save the world, get the guys, and give me my happy ending.

ALLISON SHATTERS THE LOOKING-GLASS (Book 3 of 3 in the "Harem of Hearts" series) -- is a full-length reverse harem/new adult/dark romance novel, a gritty retelling of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Don't expect a children's tale; these characters are nothing like their more innocent counterparts. This book contains: drugs, cursing, violence, sex... and love found in the darkest shadows.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Allison Shatters the Looking-Glass


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Unholy Terrors
Allison and the Torrid Tea Party
Kings of Underland

Resenhas para Allison Shatters the Looking-Glass (46)

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como eu vou viver sem meus meninos agora que saco
on 7/7/21

essa serie devia ter mais livros não da pra largar, virou certeza um dos meus confort books porque é tao legal a historia ao mesmo tempo parece que a cm stunich fumou meio kilo de maconha pra escrever de tanta coisa doida que eu li, só queria dizer que fui muito mimada nesse livro com a felicidade dos meus filhos finalmente depois de tanta coisa, minha alisson evoluiu pra cacete, eu tenho orgullho do que ela se tornou de todas as maneiras, meus 9 maridos também porque eu divido com ela... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 421
ranking 55
ranking 30
ranking 12
ranking 2
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
24/12/2018 16:19:49
editou em:
23/06/2022 23:20:25