Red, White and Royal Blue

Red, White and Royal Blue Casey McQuiston


Red, White and Royal Blue

A big-hearted romantic comedy in which the First Son falls in love with the Prince of Wales after an incident of international proportions forces them to pretend to be best friends...

First Son Alex Claremont-Diaz is the closest thing to a prince this side of the Atlantic. With his intrepid sister and the Veep’s genius granddaughter, they’re the White House Trio, a beautiful millennial marketing strategy for his mother, President Ellen Claremont. International socialite duties do have downsides―namely, when photos of a confrontation with his longtime nemesis Prince Henry at a royal wedding leak to the tabloids and threaten American/British relations.

The plan for damage control: staging a fake friendship between the First Son and the Prince. Alex is busy enough handling his mother’s bloodthirsty opponents and his own political ambitions without an uptight royal slowing him down. But beneath Henry’s Prince Charming veneer, there’s a soft-hearted eccentric with a dry sense of humor and more than one ghost haunting him.

As President Claremont kicks off her reelection bid, Alex finds himself hurtling into a secret relationship with Henry that could derail the campaign and upend two nations. And Henry throws everything into question for Alex, an impulsive, charming guy who thought he knew everything: What is worth the sacrifice? How do you do all the good you can do? And, most importantly, how will history remember you?

LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (27)

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Red White & Royal Blue
Rojo, blanco y sangre azul
Rojo, Blanco Y Sangre Azul
Vermelho, branco e sangue azul


(158) ver mais
Uma canção de amor e ódio
O primeiro a morrer no final

Resenhas para Red, White and Royal Blue (20.360)

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on 26/9/23

Fiz a releitura para assistir ao filme e lembrar de todos os detalhes e gostei mais dessa segunda vez, mas ainda não é bem meu estilo de escrita. Uma pena porque o livro tem tudo para me agradar, já que envolve homem pegando homem e política. O filme é mais legal e divertido!... leia mais

Vídeos Red, White and Royal Blue (35)

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Indicação Literária com a Flá *16 #As3Artes #

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Vermelho, Branco e Sangue Azul, Casey McQuist

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Avaliações 4.3 / 121.028
ranking 59
ranking 28
ranking 10
ranking 2
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
13/08/2018 19:53:17
editou em:
28/07/2023 08:22:06

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