London Labour and the London Poor (Classics) (English Edition)

London Labour and the London Poor (Classics) (English Edition) Henry Mayhew


London Labour and the London Poor originated in a series of newspaper articles written by the great journalist Henry Mayhew between 1849 and 1850. A dozen years later, it had grown into the fullest picture we have of labouring people in the world's greatest city in the nineteenth century: a four volume account of the hopes, customs, grievances and habits of the working-classes that allows them to tell their own stories. Combining practicality with compassion, Mayhew worked unencumbered by political theory and strove solely to report on the lives of the London poor, their occupations and trades. This selection shows how well he succeeded. From costermongers to ex-convicts, from chimney-sweeps to vagrants, the underprivileged of London are uniquely brought to life - their plight expressed through a startling blend of first person accounts, Mayhew's perceptions, and sharp statistics.

London Labour and the London Poor (Classics) (English Edition)

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Henry Mayhew (1812 - 1887) foi jornalista e sociólogo inglês, fundador da revista Punch (1841), famosa por seu humor satírico, caricaturas e ilustrações e cartoons políticos. Sua evocação das imagens e sons de Londres nesta obra influenciou Charles Dickens e outros escritores sociais de seu tempo. Mayhew, filho de um advogado, fugiu para o mar aos 12 anos em uma viagem para a Índia. Ao retornar, estudou direito com o pai, mas logo se voltou para o jornalismo. Ajudou a fundar os peri...
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