Needful Things

Needful Things Stephen King


Needful Things

The town of Castle Rock, Maine has seen its fair share of oddities over the years, but nothing is as peculiar as the little curio shop that’s just opened for business here. Its mysterious proprietor, Leland Gaunt, seems to have something for everyone out on display at Needful Things…interesting items that run the gamut from worthless to priceless. Nothing has a price tag in this place, but everything is certainly for sale. The heart’s desire for any resident of Castle Rock can easily be found among the curiosities…in exchange for a little money and—at the specific request of Leland Gaunt—a whole lot of menace against their fellow neighbors. Everyone in town seems willing to make a deal at Needful Things, but the devil is in the details. And no one takes heed of the little sign hanging on the wall: Caveat emptor. In other words, let the buyer beware…

Suspense e Mistério / Terror / Crime / Drama / Fantasia / Ficção / Horror / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (5)

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Needful Things
Needful Things
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Needful Things: The last Castle Rock story


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Não é um dos melhores, mas também não um dos piores
on 9/6/23

"What?s the one thing in all the world, the one useless thing, that you want so badly that you get it mixed up with needing it?" Voltamos a Castle Rock, e dessa vez pra ler mais uma história divertida sobre ganância, mesquinhez e comportamento de manada que toma proporções absurdas. O causador de tudo isso? Uma entidade -mais ou menos- como It, que se alimenta do sofrimento dos moradores locais. Em geral não é tão aterrorizante, mas é divertido e interessante assistir aos eventos se... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 66
ranking 36
ranking 49
ranking 10
ranking 3
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
22/07/2018 17:30:51

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