Through my window

Through my window Ariana Godoy


Through my window (Hidalgos #1)

What burns bright burns fast

It used to be that I obsessed over Ares Hidalgo from afar.
But that was before he climbed
Through My Window

Raquel Álvarez is hardworking and serious about her future. She’s only got one goal—to become a psychologist. Well, that and to get Ares Hildago to notice her.

For as long as Raquel can remember, she has been obsessed with Ares. Even though he lives next door, Raquel has never spoken to him. Yet, she can’t help thinking there’s more to him than his rich, hot playboy image. . . and she can’t help imagining what it’d feel like to kiss him.

After a chance encounter reveals her crush is anything but unrequited, their steamy attraction grows into what can only be described as hands-down hot. They fall hard and fast for one another.

Raquel is all in with Ares. But Ares can’t, or won’t, commit. His life has been spelled out for him from the beginning. Once he’s done with school, he’ll join the family business. For now? Stay cool. Stay unconnected. And don’t fall in love.

What burns bright burns fast, but for Ares and Raquel, can it last?

For fans of After and The Impact of You comes an addictive story about a young woman who fantasized about her neighbor from afar only to find that he’s equally obsessed with her.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Through my window


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on 25/5/22

Livro ideal pra quem curte uma fanfic Wattpad. A história prende e é bem escrita, porém, achei que enrola muito e a personagem principal oscila muito entre ser a super mulher que nada a atinge e a coitadinha super inocente e bobinha. Muita coisa tbm terminou em aberto, mas creio que seja pq existe a continuação no Wattpad.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 33
ranking 15
ranking 35
ranking 41
ranking 3
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
03/02/2022 02:11:39
editou em:
03/02/2022 02:12:04

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