77 Shadow Street

77 Shadow Street Dean Koontz


77 Shadow Street

The Pendleton stands on the summit of Shadow Hill at the highest point of an old heartland city, a Gilded Age palace built in the late 1800s as a tycoon's dream home. Almost from the beginning, its grandeur has been scarred by episodes of madness, suicide, mass murder, and whispers of things far worse. But since its rechristening in the 1970s as a luxury apartment building, the Pendleton has been at peace. For its fortunate residents - among them a successful songwriter and her young son, a disgraced ex-senator, a widowed attorney, and a driven money manager - the Pendleton's magnificent quarters are a sanctuary, its dark past all but forgotten. But now inexplicable shadows caper across walls, security cameras relay impossible images, phantom voices mutter in strange tongues not-quite-human figures lurk in the basement, elevators plunge into unknown depths. With each passing hour, a terrifying certainty grows: Whatever drove the Pendleton's past occupants to their unspeakable fates is at work again. Soon, all those within its boundaries will be engulfed by a dark tide from which few have escaped. Dean Koontz transcends all expectations as he takes readers on a gripping journey to a place where nightmare visions become real - and where a group of singular individuals hold the key to humanity's destiny. Welcome to 77 Shadow Street.

Crime / Crônicas / Horror / Jogos / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério / Terror

Edições (3)

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77 Shadow Street
77 Shadow Street : A Novel
77 Shadow Street


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Dom śmierci [Polski / Polish Edition]
Шадоу Стрийт 77    [Български / Bulgarian Edition]
77 Shadow Street (with bonus novella The Moonlit Mind)
77 Shadow Street: A Novel

Resenhas para 77 Shadow Street (2)

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on 15/7/12

Peguei este livro atraída pela breve sinopse, pensando que se trataria de algo na linha de hotéis mal assombrados, estórias de crimes históricos e origens sobrenaturais. Mas esse livro é quase ficção científica. Os moradores do condomínio Pendleton, uma pequena variedade humana abastada, são jogados numa realidade onde são os únicos humanos. E não é um universo paralelo. Não vou contar mais sobre a estória, mas achei que as especulações científicas e temporais ficam devendo a Richar... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 11
ranking 18
ranking 27
ranking 27
ranking 18
ranking 9



cadastrou em:
07/02/2012 19:51:26