All His Secrets

All His Secrets Maya Hughes


All His Secrets (Manhattan Misters #1)

She’s the one woman I should stay away from, but I can’t help myself...

They say being a billionaire has its perks, but I hardly notice. After being widowed, my beautiful little girl is the most important thing to me. Esme hasn’t spoken to anyone but me since her mother’s death. When she goes missing, I’m thisclose to losing it.

When Esme turns up safe and sound with a cute waitress, I’m ready to give the lady a reward and be on our way, but then Esme speaks to her. It’s simple, a mere “thank you”, but I know I can’t let the waitress get away.

Melanie is nothing like the women who throw themselves at me. Her big brown eyes take my breath away from the minute I lay eyes on her. She fills out her pink waitress uniform with curves I can’t wait to get my hands on. I can’t get her out of my head.

Melanie’s bringing my little girl out of her shell, which means she’s strictly off limits. But having her under my roof and close enough to touch is too much of a temptation. My legendary control is beginning to slip and I don’t know how much longer I can resist breaking every rule I have.


Edições (1)

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All His Secrets


(2) ver mais
All His Lies
All His Regrets

Resenhas para All His Secrets (14)

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on 11/6/20

O livro tinha potencial, mas a autora parecia q estava com pressa de terminar e fez tudo de forma pobre, rasa e superficial. O casal não tem profundidade nenhuma, eu n consegui comprar essa história de amor. Outra coisa q tbm n da pra simpatizar é com a relação da babá com a criança, foi tudo feito de forma muito ruim, não gostei mesmo. Poderia ter sido bom, mas a autora não quis, então nem recomendo, perda de tempo.... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.9 / 199
ranking 7
ranking 24
ranking 42
ranking 19
ranking 8



Marcella Celina
cadastrou em:
07/04/2020 16:23:03
editou em:
11/06/2020 21:06:11

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