Dating The Billionaire

Dating The Billionaire Tarin Lex


Dating The Billionaire (MatchMakers Inc. #10)

A Mountain Man Billionaire Romance

A mountain man billionaire romance

This single dad has always felt a connection to the anonymous egg donor who gave him his only child. When he meets her in real life, he knows on a soul level that it’s her. The only other person on Earth with those exact, inquisitive blue eyes—is his five-year-old son, Bode.
Seven years ago, she did everything she could to save her father’s life. She did even more than she knew.
Sometimes life thanks us later.
Sometimes, life thanks us beyond our wildest dreams.

This Valentine's Day, our heroes and heroines are skipping the dating apps and attending one of MatchMakers Inc.'s famous speed dating events. Is five minutes enough time to feel a spark of chemistry? Can love truly be in the air?
Go on a speed date with us and find out!
This February, thirteen of your favorite romance authors celebrate steamy instalove in this Valentine’s Day series!

Dating the Firefighter by Lana Dash
Dating the Chef by Ember Davis
Dating the Doubter by Karla Doyle
Dating the Doctor by Jane Fox
Dating the Cowboy by Eve London
Dating the Soldier by Kali Hart
Dating the Coach by Ava Hart
Dating the Director by MK Meredith
Dating the Boss by Kameron Claire
Dating the Virgin by Piper Cook
Dating the Detective by Mazzy King
Dating the Professor by Carly Keene
Dating the Billionaire by Tarin Lex

Contos / Erótico / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Dating The Billionaire


(12) ver mais
Dating The Coach
Dating The Firefighter
Dating The Doctor
Dating The Detective

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Namorando o Bilionário
on 24/7/22

Ao ler a sinopse, fiquei sem saber o que esperar. Achei a trama diferente e estava curiosa para saber como seria essa história. Sendo bem sincera, eu achei bem... esquisita. Como foi super curta e as coisas foram mais narradas do que mostradas, ficou difícil ver uma conexão real entre o casal. E o lance da mocinha ser mãe biológica do filho do mocinho — e a forma como ele descobriu isso — foi bem estranho. Se tivesse mais detalhes, talvez eu gostasse mais da história. Muita coisa ... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
20/03/2022 18:10:30
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
20/03/2022 18:10:43

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