Falling For My Enemy

Falling For My Enemy Claire Kingsley


Falling For My Enemy (Dirty Martini Running Club #2)

A Hot Romantic Comedy

What happens when frenemies take the experiment out of the lab and into the bedroom?

Corban Nash is a self-proclaimed data nerd with a sexy half smile and a set of abs that leave girls drooling. He developed a theory he claims will make two people fall in love. And after numerous tests on friends and family, it’s been successful for everyone who’s tried it. The problem is, it’s never worked on him. And he doesn’t know why.

Still, he’s determined to prove his theory. The only thing standing in his way? Hazel Kiegen.

Hazel refuses to be distracted by Corban’s adorable awkwardness or his temptingly muscular body. He claims to have cracked the code to falling in love, and she’s going to prove him wrong.

From the moment these two rivals meet, their chemistry is irresistible. And what’s wrong with a little sex between enemies? But when they put Corban’s theory to the test for themselves, the results are deliciously unexpected.

Author’s note: STAND-ALONE romcom featuring a sexy nerd with a great big... heart. Tons of tension and witty banter. Super hot frenemies with benefits. Badass lady friendships with a widening circle of trust. And a romantic HEA that will leave you swooning. Falling for My Enemy was previously titled Love According to Science.


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Falling For My Enemy
Falling For My Enemy


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A Teoria do Amor

Resenhas para Falling For My Enemy (4)

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enemies to lovers to friends with benefits to lovers&friends
on 24/3/21

estou muito contente de ter dado uma segunda chance para essa autora. o que eu tinha lido anteriormente (Fighting for Us) não tinha me surpreendido, foi uma leitura mediana. agora em “Falling for my enemy” eu tive uma ótima supresa. fazia muito tempo desde que li um casal geek como este e adorei os dois juntos. realmente são a metade da laranja um do outro, adorei ver o desenvolvimento da relação e os diálogos deles são únicos. eles tem suas inseguranças, falhas, mas conseguem encont... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
28/01/2024 11:42:01
editou em:
28/01/2024 11:42:15