From the Embers

From the Embers Aly Martinez


From the Embers

From USA Today Bestselling Author Aly Martinez comes a new heart-stopping standalone romance.

In the aftermath of tragedy, it’s strange the things you remember.
The deafening boom as the house exploded.
The paralyzing fear as I searched for my wife.
The blinding smoke burning my eyes as I carried her out.

But carved into my soul for the rest of my days would be the earth-shattering realization that the woman in my arms wasn’t my wife.

Bree and I were the only survivors—not that either of us were truly living after that night. As a single dad with nowhere else to go, I moved into her guest house. And somehow, through the guilt and grief, we forged an unlikely team.

It took years, but I watched the gradual return of her smile—slow and life-altering.
The two of us could sit outside for hours, talking about nothing, and it filled the massive hole in my chest with new life.

I may have carried her out of that fire, but the truth was, Bree saved me.

As we healed, the secrets and lies of the past smoldered in the ashes, threatening to ignite again.

Our love was born from the embers, and together we would go up in flames.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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From the Embers


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on 23/1/22

#DicadeLeitura     From the Embers - Aly Martinez         Bree e Rob tem um casamento feliz de comercial de televisão.         Eason e Jessica vivem um casamento em crise onde o Eason evita pensar em divórcio, mas é algo ultimamente vem crescendo em sua cabeça.         Eason e Rob são melhores amigos.        Bree e Jessica são melhores amigas.        Bree não gosta do Eason, apenas o tolera por causa da amizade com Rob e o seu casamento da sua amiga com o Eason.        O que ... leia mais


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ranking 43
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Jessica A
cadastrou em:
22/04/2021 03:59:37
editou em:
22/04/2023 10:03:11

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