Hot Mess

Hot Mess Emily Goodwin


Hot Mess (Love is Messy Duet #1)

My life is a hot mess.

Single, working, and raising two daughters, it’s a miracle I get us up, dressed, and fed every morning. Forget about dating—nobody’s got time for that. Even if love hadn’t left me jaded, I’m not settling for anything less than perfect this time around.

Lucky for me, the perfect man just happens to work in my office. But there’s just one small problem: he’s my boss, and is totally off limits. But hey, if it’s meant to be, it’ll find a way, right?

Then a night out with friends turns into a night in with the walking-talking bad boy cliche of a bartender. It’s just one night. No harm, no foul, right?

Except when the hot bartender turns out to be my boss’s trouble-making brother, who wants more than just one night with me. The more I resist the spark between us, the more I find myself wanting him too. Which puts me in the middle of what could be the biggest sibling rivalry of the century.

Life is messy.

And love?

Well, love is even messier.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Hot Mess
Hot Mess


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Dirty at 30

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Mirei em uma coisa, mas acertei em outra
on 23/9/20

Não li a sinopse do livro toda e por isso comecei a ler imaginando que o romance seria com o chefe dela, então levei aquele susto quando vi que ela estava gostando de outro kkkk. Mas o livro é bom. Um leitura leve pra se ter numa semana chuvosa e tranquila. A única coisa que me irritou muito na história foram os suspenses sobre o que aconteceu com Luke em Chicago e o motivo do irmão não gostar dele. Tudo pode ser resolvido com uma simples conversa, mas a autora foi pelo caminho mais c... leia mais


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30/01/2017 10:07:23

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