Hugs and Cuddles

Hugs and Cuddles João Gilberto Noll


Hugs and Cuddles

After abandoning his traditional life in a deteriorating Porto Alegre, the narrator of Hugs and Cuddles zealously recommits himself to a man he calls "the engineer", a childhood friend with whom he shared a pivotal sexual encounter. Many years have passed since their prepubescent wrestling; everywhere around them is a nation in decline. Representatives of the Brazilian state - everyone from government officials to the impoverished - endlessly harass passers-by for donations to "the cause," even as a mysterious plague rages. Never mind that. Our insatiable narrator, driven to discover his true self through increasingly transgressive sexual urges, is on an epic journey through the shadows of this dysfunctional yet polite society.
The resulting novel is the late João Gilberto Noll's most radical statement: A Book of Revelations-grade voyage to the end of gender and the outermost reaches of sexual and artistic expression. Nimbly translated from Portuguese by Edgar Garbelotto, Hugs and Cuddles is an unapologetically explicit fable of fluidity that takes readers from decaying city centers to the dark corridors of a mysterious submarine to a miserable hovel in the rainforest, where, at long last, our narrator finds peace.

Ficção / Literatura Brasileira

Edições (2)

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Hugs and Cuddles
Acenos e afagos


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Todo Mundo Tem Uma Primeira Vez

Resenhas para Hugs and Cuddles (2)

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Noll aprende a rir
on 1/1/10

Cinco relançamentos e um romance inédito marcam uma nova fase no trabalho do porto-alegrense João Gilberto Noll, que agora passa a ter sua obra integral publicada pela Editora Record. E o romance inédito, Acenos e Afagos (208 páginas, R$ 32), também marca uma transição no trabalho do romancista, que, não sem surpresa, confessa ter encontrado motivos para o riso em seu novo livro. Noll é reconhecido hoje como um dos principais escritores brasileiros em atividade tanto nos romances quan... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 72
ranking 32
ranking 36
ranking 24
ranking 7
ranking 1



Pedro S.
cadastrou em:
29/03/2023 05:47:24
Pedro S.
editou em:
29/03/2023 05:47:43

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