The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo Alexandre Dumas


The Count of Monte Cristo

The future could hardly look brighter for Edmond Dantès. Only nineteen years old but already an experienced seaman, he is about to be named captain of the merchant vessel Pharaon. His deep and passionate love for the beautiful Mercédès is returned in every respect; they will be married in a few short weeks. Everyone whi knows this handsome, modest young man wishes him the best- that is, almost everyone. Edmond is unaware that three men he knows well envy him and are conspiring to ruin him.
The joy of Edmond and Mercédès' betrothal dinner is shattered when soldiers march in and arrest Edmond as a Bonapartist traitor. Thrown into prison without a trial and with no hope of release, Edmond recieves unexpected help from a fellow prisoner in discovering the identities of those who have wronged him. He spends long hours imagining how to punish them, should he ever escape. If revenge is a dish best served cold, Edmond Dantès is learning to be very patiente and ruthless chef.
Set in the years following the defeat of Napoleon in 1815, The Count of Monte Cristo held Europe in thrall when it was first serialized in 1844. It has endured for more than a century as a classic tale of personal honor and revenge.

Aventura / Ficção / Romance

Edições (23)

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The Count of Monte Cristo
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Count of Monte Cristo


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Resenhas para The Count of Monte Cristo (35)

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on 17/4/24

Me surpreendi desde o primeiro capítulo de The Count of Monte Cristo. Sinceramente, eu não esperava que fosse gostar tanto deste livro logo de cara, a escrita de Dumas me conquistou. Toda a trama de vingança aqui desenhada, entretém e prende o leitor a querer saber mais e mais do que vem pela frente. Dantes, ou o Conde, não é um personagem muito previsível, mas seus feitos também não são muito extraordinários. Creio que foi a paciência e precisão da sua jornada de vingança que me cat... leia mais


Avaliações 4.3 / 187
ranking 57
ranking 26
ranking 11
ranking 4
ranking 2



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