Meet Me in London

Meet Me in London Georgia Toffolo


Meet Me in London (Meet Me #1)

What do you do when your fake engagement starts to feel too real…

Aspiring clothes designer Victoria Scott spends her days working in a bar in Chelsea, and her evenings designing vintage clothes, dreaming of one day opening her own boutique. But these aspirations are under threat from the new department store opening at the end of her road. She needs a Christmas miracle, but one is not forthcoming.

Oliver Russell’s Christmas is not looking very festive right now. His family’s new London department store opening is behind schedule, and on top of that his interfering, if well meaning, mother is pressing him to introduce his girlfriend to her. A girlfriend who does not exist. He needs a diversion. Something to keep his mother from interfering while he focuses on the business.

When Oliver meets Victoria, he offers a proposition: pretend to be his girlfriend at the opening of his store and he will provide an opportunity for Victoria to showcase her designs. But what starts as a business arrangement soon becomes something more tempting, as the fake relationship starts to feel very real. But when secrets in Victoria’s past are exposed will Oliver walk away, or will they both follow their hearts and find what neither knew they were looking for…

Chick-lit / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Meet Me in London


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Resenhas para Meet Me in London (3)

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"The pain you carry with you."
on 13/6/22

Comecei o livro com bastante empolgação porque vi que era fake dating, mas eu não gostei do desenrolar. Achei que eles se apaixonaram muito rápido, não tinha nenhuma intriga, exceto pela questão da traição, não tinha grandes motivos para que não ficassem juntos (sou uma adepta do enemies to lovers porque sempre tem uma razão: eles se odeiam)... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 35
ranking 26
ranking 46
ranking 26
ranking 3
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editou em:
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