The Skylark

The Skylark's Secret Fiona Valpy


The Skylark's Secret

Loch Ewe, 1940. When gamekeeper’s daughter Flora’s remote highland village finds itself the base for the Royal Navy’s Arctic convoys, life in her close-knit community changes forever. In defiance of his disapproving father, the laird’s son falls in love with Flora, and as tensions build in their disrupted home, any chance of their happiness seems doomed.

Decades later, Flora’s daughter, singer Lexie Gordon, is forced to return to the village and to the tiny cottage where she grew up. Having long ago escaped to the bright lights of the West End, London still never truly felt like home. Now back, with a daughter of her own, Lexie learns that her mother—and the hostile-seeming village itself—have long been hiding secrets that make her question everything she thought she knew.

As she pieces together the fragments of her parents’ story, Lexie discovers the courageous, devastating sacrifices made in her name. It’s too late to rekindle her relationship with her mother, but can Lexie find it in her heart to forgive the past, to grieve for all that’s lost, and finally find her place in the world?

Suspense e Mistério

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Alec é meu novo referencial de 'homê'!
on 16/10/23

Nesse livro acompanharemos a história de Lexie, vivendo na década de 70, entre a Inglaterra e a Escócia, e de sua mãe, Flora, durante a década 30, na Escócia, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. . O livro transita entre os acontecimentos que levaram ao nascimento da Lexie e ao fato de ela tentar descobrir suas raízes e segredos e cuidar da sua filha, Daisy, sendo mãe solo. . A história é muito bonita, um romance slow burn acontece entre os pais de Lexie, que precisam enfrentar os terr... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 20
ranking 29
ranking 48
ranking 19
ranking 5
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cadastrou em:
24/01/2021 17:20:18
editou em:
24/01/2021 17:21:20

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