Big Rock

Big Rock Lauren Blakely


Big Rock #1

A Fake Fiancé/Friends to Lovers Standalone Romance

Dive into the friends-to-lovers, fake fiancé standalone romance that launched the #1 NYT Bestselling series!
In my defense, putting a fake ring on my best friend’s finger seems like a good idea at the time. My dad needs me to look like a committed guy to close a business deal, so what’s the harm in boasting to, well, everyone that I’m the marrying kind of man?
Now, I just need my best friend to help me out and play my fiancée for the next week. Good thing Charlotte has her reasons for saying yes to my plan. Just as long as we agree to zero touching, and absolutely no feelings.
I can do that no problem. And for the first few days, we’re pulling off this pretend act like we’re going to win an Academy Award.
But pretty soon, all this playing pretend in public leads to a whole lot of temptation in private. Until one night, we break our no touching rule in spectacular fashion.
There’s no faking the kind of toe-curling, window-shattering cries she makes as I take her to new heights between the sheets that night, and the next, and the one after.
Trouble is, I can’t seem to fake that I might be feeling something real for my best friend.
What the hell have I gotten myself into with this…big rock?

Edições (2)

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Big Rock
Big Rock (Big Rock Book 1) (English Edition)


Resenhas para Big Rock (2)

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on 6/2/21

Os personagens são muito carismáticos e cativantes, a narrativa é muito fluida, e a autora soube desenvolver a história de modo que nos faz nos apaixonarmos pelos protagonistas. Indico este livro a todos que estiverem curiosidade em lê-lo.... leia mais


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khaleesi daenerys
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20/12/2023 17:44:56
khaleesi daenerys
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20/12/2023 17:45:10

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