Forbidden Bond

Forbidden Bond Lee Colgin


Forbidden Bond (They Bite #1)

Vampires and werewolves are historical enemies. When the Peace Accord that imposes an uncomfortable armistice between the species is threatened, the entire supernatural community must respond.

Young vampire heir Sinclair Davis successfully petitions the council for permission to attend a werewolf dominated university. Surrounded by a pack of unwelcoming wolves, Sinclair’s first meeting with their alpha doesn’t go well. The handsome wolf hates him.

Alpha wolf Mitchel Edgehill is furious when the university sends a vampire to be housed among his pack, even if he is cute. But there’s nothing he can do since the paperwork has been signed. They’ll have to find a way to coexist.

As tension rises within supernatural society and violence escalates between vampires and werewolves, an uneasy truce develops between Sinclair and Mitchel. The pair attend a peace conference in hopes of preventing war, but when a rogue group of humans attacks, Sinclair is kidnapped and held for ransom. Can the alpha wolf work with vampires to save Sinclair, or will war break out after all?

~Forbidden Bond is an enemies to lovers MM urban fantasy in a college setting.
~It’s the first of a series but can be read as a standalone, no cliffhanger.
~Contains violence and adult scenes intended for a mature audience.

Fantasia / LGBT / GLS

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Forbidden Bond


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A história tinha todos os elementos para ser ótima, mas...
on 4/8/21

Neste livro temos ótimos elementos. Temos um belo casal, temos um bom cenário político acontecendo, temos bons personagens secundários, um universo razoável que foi "criado" (coloquei entre aspas porque não existem tantas mudanças do que já existe), mas tudo isso ao meu ver, não foi bem aproveitado. OBS: Quando eu menciono a palavra "bom" aqui, não estou dizendo necessariamente q os elementos são agradáveis, mas sim dizendo que havia potencial para eles. O que eu percebi com o passa... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 4
ranking 25
ranking 50
ranking 25
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cadastrou em:
19/07/2021 08:52:32
editou em:
19/07/2021 08:52:59

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