Things I Wanted To Say, But Never Did

Things I Wanted To Say, But Never Did Monica Murphy


Things I Wanted To Say, But Never Did

Whit Lancaster burst into my life like a storm. Dark and thunderous, furious and fierce. Cold, heartless and devastatingly beautiful, like the statues in our prep school gardens. The school with his family name on the sign. He can do no wrong here. This is his domain.

He’s a menace on campus. Adored and feared. Hated and respected. His taunting words carve into my skin, shredding me to ribbons. Yet his intense gaze scorches my blood, fills me with a longing I don’t understand.

When I stumble upon him one night alone, I find him broken. Bleeding. My instincts scream to leave and let him suffer, but I can’t. I sneak him into my room. Clean him up. Fall for his lies. Let him possess every single part of me until I’m the one left a gasping, broken mess.

When he leaves me alone in the dead of night, he takes my journal with him.

Now he knows all my secrets. My hate. My truth. And he promises to use my words against me. I’ll be ruined if my darkest secret gets out.

That’s when I strike a bargain with the devil.

I’ll let Whit Lancaster ruin me behind closed doors instead.


Edições (3)

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Things I Wanted To Say
Things I wanted to say
Things I Wanted To Say, But Never Did


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Resenhas para Things I Wanted To Say, But Never Did (13)

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on 27/12/21

Quando li o prologue já dava pra perceber que tipo de livro seria. Basicamente todos os capítulos tem smut e a história em si só começa a se desenrolar mais pro final. Ambos Whit e Summer tem traumas familiares e quando se encontraram imediatamente sentiram uma conexão mas levaram bastante tempo até admitir que tinham sentimentos um pelo outro. Esse livro não tem quase nada de romance (esperado de um Bully romance), tem um pouco de drama e 85% é smut, tanto que senti falta de um diálog... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
30/07/2023 12:26:48
editou em:
30/07/2023 12:27:00

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