When Women Were Dragons

When Women Were Dragons Kelly Barnhill


When Women Were Dragons

A rollicking feminist tale set in 1950s America where thousands of women have spontaneously transformed into dragons, exploding notions of a woman’s place in the world and expanding minds about accepting others for who they really are.

The first adult novel by the Newbery award-winning author of The Girl Who Drank the Moon.

Alex Green is a young girl in a world much like ours, except for its most seminal event: the Mass Dragoning of 1955, when hundreds of thousands of ordinary wives and mothers sprouted wings, scales, and talons; left a trail of fiery destruction in their path; and took to the skies. Was it their choice? What will become of those left behind? Why did Alex’s beloved aunt Marla transform but her mother did not? Alex doesn’t know. It’s taboo to speak of.

Forced into silence, Alex nevertheless must face the consequences of this astonishing event: a mother more protective than ever; an absentee father; the upsetting insistence that her aunt never even existed; and watching her beloved cousin Bea become dangerously obsessed with the forbidden.

In this timely and timeless speculative novel, award-winning author Kelly Barnhill boldly explores rage, memory, and the tyranny of forced limitations. When Women Were Dragons exposes a world that wants to keep women small—their lives and their prospects—and examines what happens when they rise en masse and take up the space they deserve.

Fantasia / Ficção / Ficção científica / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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When Women Were Dragons
Quando as Mulheres Eram Dragões


(2) ver mais
The Girl Who Drank the Moon
A Garota Que Bebeu a Lua

Resenhas para When Women Were Dragons (3)

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Resenha: When Women Were Dragons
on 11/12/22

Ok, eu amei amei amei a premissa aqui porque eu também adoraria me transformar em um dragão e comer as pessoas que me injustiçaram. Mas achei a execução aqui tão... estreita? Ou talvez de mente fechada? Eu sei que tínhamos uma perspectiva limitada em Alex, já que ela não mudou e tudo bem. Ainda era tão estranho que houvesse muito pouca informação sobre os efeitos do Mass Dragoning em todo o mundo, considerando que a sinopse diz que 300 mil mulheres se transformaram e mudaram o mundo... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 16
ranking 25
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ranking 31
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cadastrou em:
16/09/2021 04:13:35
editou em:
19/02/2023 16:54:23

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