King of Thieves

King of Thieves Saxon James


King of Thieves (Frat Wars ##1)

We're basically Romeo and Juliet. But dudes. And without all the dying.


Being VP of Sigma Beta Psi is wild. I get all the benefits of being in charge with hardly any of the responsibility.

Parties, pranks, and frat politics-college life has never been sweeter.

Until I meet Bailey Prince.

He has the face of a goddamn angel. I don't know where he came from or why I'm so obsessed.

But I do know he's a Kappa.

And our houses have a rivalry that's written into legend.


At Rho Kappa Tau, I'm a legacy.

It's a lot of pressure, but I've always been responsible, never had that rebellious need to rock the boat, and I like it that way.

But after a party at Sigma-the jock frat-I meet Chad Doomsen, and for the first time in my life I want to step outside my square.

Our houses have always had a rivalry, but some of the guys seem to hate Chad specifically, and I don't know why.

He's surprisingly sweet and kind. At least to me.

I need to stay away. A relationship with Chad would be betraying the very legacy that brought me here.

But I can't help myself. And it seems, neither can he.

Frat Wars is a romance between MCs from rival houses. It has friendly competitions, no hazing, and a swoony romance kept secret.

LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (2)

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King of Thieves
King of Thieves


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Resenhas para King of Thieves (8)

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frat as [*****]
on 16/12/21

king of thieves é um livro bem leve, perfeito pra uma leitura rápida e tem um total de 0 drama. aqui chad e bailey são de fraternidades rivais e ambas as fraternidades tem o costume de fazer "prendas" uma com a outra e chad é famoso por ser a grande mente por trás da maioria dessas prendas. bailey é novo na universidade então ele não conhece a fama do chad (e no início nem sabe que o chad é o famigerado chad), o conflito, se é que podemos chamar disso, do relacionamento deles é justame... leia mais


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