To Paradise

To Paradise Hanya Yanagihara


To Paradise

From the author of the classic A Little Life, a bold, brilliant novel spanning three centuries and three different versions of the American experiment, about lovers, family, loss and the elusive promise of utopia.

In an alternate version of 1893 America, New York is part of the Free States, where people may live and love whomever they please (or so it seems). The fragile young scion of a distinguished family resists betrothal to a worthy suitor, drawn to a charming music teacher of no means. In a 1993 Manhattan besieged by the AIDS epidemic, a young Hawaiian man lives with his much older, wealthier partner, hiding his troubled childhood and the fate of his father. And in 2093, in a world riven by plagues and governed by totalitarian rule, a powerful scientist’s damaged granddaughter tries to navigate life without him — and solve the mystery of her husband’s disappearances.

These three sections are joined in an enthralling and ingenious symphony, as recurring notes and themes deepen and enrich one another: A townhouse in Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village; illness, and treatments that come at a terrible cost; wealth and squalor; the weak and the strong; race; the definition of family, and of nationhood; the dangerous righteousness of the powerful, and of revolutionaries; the longing to find a place in an earthly paradise, and the gradual realization that it can’t exist. What unites not just the characters, but these Americas, are their reckonings with the qualities that make us human: Fear. Love. Shame. Need. Loneliness.

To Paradise is a fin de siècle novel of marvellous literary effect, but above all it is a work of emotional genius. The great power of this remarkable novel is driven by Yanagihara’s understanding of the aching desire to protect those we love – partners, lovers, children, friends, family and even our fellow citizens – and the pain that ensues when we cannot.

Drama / Ficção

Edições (3)

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To Paradise
To Paradise
Ao Paraíso


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Resenhas para To Paradise (6)

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"I won't need to rest, not until I make it there, all the way to you, all the way to
on 1/12/23

Desde que eu li "uma vida pequena" fiquei completamente obcecado com a escrita da Hanya, resolvi, então, ler tudo que ela escreveu. Quando tentei ler "the people in the trees" não consegui terminar, pois não me conectei com a história, com esse agora não poderia ter tido uma experiência mais agridoce. "To paradise" conta três história independentes, que se passam em séculos diferentes mostrando distintas versões dos Estados Unidos, onde o único ponto em comum entre elas é o anseio d... leia mais


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