Kingdom of the Feared

Kingdom of the Feared Kerri Maniscalco


Kingdom of the Feared (The Kingdom of the Wicked series #3)

And a love more powerful than fate. All hail the king and queen of Hell.

Emilia is reeling from a shocking discovery about her sister, Vittoria. But before she faces the demons of her past, Emilia yearns to claim her king, the seductive Prince of Wrath, in the flesh. She doesn't just desire his body; she wants his heart and soul--but that's something the enigmatic demon can't promise her.

When a high-ranking member of House Greed is assassinated, damning evidence somehow points to Vittoria as the murderer. Now, Emilia will do anything to get to the bottom of these accusations against the sister she thought she knew.

Together, Emilia and Wrath play a sin-fueled game of deception to solve the murder and stop the unrest that's brewing between witches, demons, shape-shifters, and the most treacherous foes of all: the Feared. Emilia was warned that when it came to the Wicked, nothing was as it seemed. But have the true villains been much closer all along?

#1 New York Times bestselling author Kerri Maniscalco delivers sizzling romance, sexy secrets, and unexpected twists in this unforgettable conclusion to the Kingdom of the Wicked series!

Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Kingdom of the Feared
Kingdom of the Feared


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"We are hell gods, Emilia. We are the Feared."
on 12/10/22

que delícia de livro que delícia de finalização, a espera e ansiedade que eu estava para ler kingdom of the feared era enorme e agora terminei, de uma coisa tenho certeza: não aprendi dizer adeus. as revelações de segredos nesse livro foi simplesmente tudo, tinha coisas que eu já esperava mas também teve plot twists que eu fiquei muito chocada sério, foi uma maravilha me surpreender com certas partes a emilia aqui está completamente maravilhosa, não é exagero falar que eu deixaria tr... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 1.671
ranking 47
ranking 33
ranking 16
ranking 4
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
22/04/2023 22:35:00
editou em:
22/04/2023 22:35:27

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