The Sign for Home: A Novel (English Edition)

The Sign for Home: A Novel (English Edition) Blair Fell


The Sign for Home: A Novel (English Edition)

When Arlo Dilly learns the girl he thought was lost forever might still be out there, he takes it as a sign and embarks on a life-changing journey to find his great love—and his freedom.

Arlo Dilly is young, handsome and eager to meet the right girl. He also happens to be DeafBlind, a Jehovah’s Witness, and under the strict guardianship of his controlling uncle. His chances of finding someone to love seem slim to none.

And yet, it happened once before: many years ago, at a boarding school for the Deaf, Arlo met the love of his life—a mysterious girl with onyx eyes and beautifully expressive hands which told him the most amazing stories. But tragedy struck, and their love was lost forever.

Or so Arlo thought.

After years trying to heal his broken heart, Arlo is assigned a college writing assignment which unlocks buried memories of his past. Soon he wonders if the hearing people he was supposed to trust have been lying to him all along, and if his lost love might be found again.

No longer willing to accept what others tell him, Arlo convinces a small band of misfit friends to set off on a journey to learn the truth. After all, who better to bring on this quest than his gay interpreter and wildly inappropriate Belgian best friend? Despite the many forces working against him, Arlo will stop at nothing to find the girl who got away and experience all of life’s joyful possibilities.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Sign for Home: A Novel (English Edition)


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on 25/4/23

Muito! amor!!! e TANTOS sentimentos. eu estava muito animada pra ler esse livro desde que vi no ano passado em pré-venda na amazon, e agora estou brava comigo mesma por ter demorado tanto pra ler. pensei que seria uma comédia romântica bobinha típica, água com açúcar ? e não me interpretem mal, é uma história legal e nessa vibe (e tão leve quanto possível ao retratar tópicos de potenciais gatilhos) ? e acabei com um livro lindo sobre amizade. eu amei, amei, amei o arco do arlo com a s... leia mais


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