The Society for Soulless Girls

The Society for Soulless Girls Laura Steven


The Society for Soulless Girls

A dark and funny YA thriller with a supernatural twist. From the winner of the Comedy Women in Print Prize

Ten years ago, four students lost their lives in the infamous North Tower murders at the elite Carvell College of Arts, forcing Carvell to close its doors.

Now Carvell is reopening, and fearless student Lottie is determined to find out what really happened. But when her roommate, Alice, stumbles upon a sinister soul-splitting ritual hidden in Carvell’s haunted library, the North Tower claims another victim.

Can Lottie uncover the truth before the North Tower strikes again? Can Alice reverse the ritual before her monstrous alter ego consumes her? And can they stop flirting for literally fifteen seconds in order to do this?

Exploring possession and ambition, lust and bloodlust, femininity and violence, The Society of Soulless Girls is perfect for fans of Ace of Spaces, The Secret History and The Inheritance Games.

Fantasia / Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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The Society for Soulless Girls


Resenhas para The Society for Soulless Girls (1)

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raso como um pires
on 8/8/22

a premissa desse livro era muito interessante, e confesso que após ler ele estarei indo atras de mais livros com a temática da raiva feminina, pois realmente foi algo que me instigou. O comesso obscuro, as mortes inesplicaveis de antigas alunas, a raiva que a alice sentia, ou o sonambulismo da lottie, foram bem apresentados, mas foi apenas isso. Depois daí nada foi explicado ou aprofundando, o que deixou tudo completamente sem graça. Nem quando as personagens estavam em real perigo eu... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 13
ranking 23
ranking 31
ranking 31
ranking 8
ranking 8



João gregorio
cadastrou em:
13/07/2022 05:43:09
Veronica @gatonolivro
editou em:
17/02/2023 15:53:19

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