Black Sheep

Black Sheep Brynne Weaver


Black Sheep

Serial killer.

That’s not the first thing you’d think when you meet Bria Brooks.

She’s reserved. Polite. Charming, when she wants to be. But delve a little deeper. She’s cunning. Brilliant. Ruthless. Bria Brooks is not just a black sheep. She’s a wolf. And she has her heart set on a very elusive prize.

Caron Berger.

Trouble is, she’s not the only one.

Dr. Elijah Kaplan is also on the hunt for the enigmatic leader of the Legio Agni cult. Caron Berger is a phantom, and Eli is keen on catching the ghost. What he doesn’t need is a beautiful and brutal doctoral student haunting his steps. Especially not one who seems so breakable, or who tempts him to bend every rule until it snaps, or who calls to each of his darkest desires. No. He does not need that. At all.

When the pursuit of their elusive prey pulls these two hunters together, they find that their demons might not be so different after all. But just like bodies in a bog, secrets have a way of surfacing, and the ones that Bria and Eli keep are the deadliest kind.

As they draw closer to capturing their prize, can Bria and Eli harness their beasts before they destroy one another? Or will they learn that it’s not what you’ll do to win that matters, it’s what you’re willing to leave behind?

Romance / Romance policial

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Black Sheep


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Dark Invertido ?
on 2/5/24

Vai de gosto. Mas se vc está pensando em ler porque falaram que parece Mindfuck, nem leia, pq não parece. Você só vai se decepcionar se for pensando em outro livro ou com muitas expectativas, é bem normal esse, nada excepcional. Bria Brooks : é uma estudante de psicologia forense serial killer que está buscando vingança contra seitas.Eu adorei ela , porém ela tinha potencial pra mais atrocidades, além de que faltou mortes no currículo dela.Achei que ela ia aprontar bemmmm mais. Mas e... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.1 / 22
ranking 14
ranking 36
ranking 32
ranking 9
ranking 9



cadastrou em:
06/08/2022 11:59:20
editou em:
06/08/2022 12:00:59

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