The Spite House

The Spite House Johnny Compton


The Spite House

Eric Ross is on the run from a mysterious past with his two daughters in tow. Having left his wife, his house, his whole life behind in Maryland, he’s desperate for money–it’s not easy to find safe work when you can’t provide references, you can’t stay in one place for long, and you’re paranoid that your past is creeping back up on you.

When he comes across the strange ad for the Masson House in Degener, Texas, Eric thinks they may have finally caught a lucky break. The Masson property, notorious for being one of the most haunted places in Texas, needs a caretaker of sorts. The owner is looking for proof of paranormal activity. All they need to do is stay in the house and keep a detailed record of everything that happens there. Provided the house’s horrors don’t drive them all mad, like the caretakers before them.

The job calls to Eric, not just because there’s a huge payout if they can make it through, but because he wants to explore the secrets of the spite house. If it is indeed haunted, maybe it’ll help him understand the uncanny power that clings to his family, driving them from town to town, making them afraid to stop running. A terrifying Gothic thriller about grief and death and the depths of a father’s love, Johnny Compton’s The Spite House is a stunning debut by a horror master in the making.

Fantasia / Ficção / Horror / Suspense e Mistério / Terror

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Resenha: The Spite House
on 20/2/23

Eu quase gostei de The Spite House. Algumas partes dessa história foram muito intrigantes e realmente funcionaram para mim, mas foram atoladas pelas muitas perspectivas diferentes. Este livro tinha menos de 300 páginas e qualquer momento ganho foi prejudicado por uma mudança no ponto de vista :( Compton fez um ótimo trabalho ao criar tensão e suspense em torno da situação de Eric e sua família. Devo dizer que fiquei me perguntando o que estava acontecendo com isso e realmente gostei... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.1 / 7
ranking 0
ranking 43
ranking 43
ranking 14
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
02/02/2023 19:53:30
editou em:
02/02/2023 19:54:15

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