If We Ever Meet Again

If We Ever Meet Again Ana Huang


If We Ever Meet Again (If Love #1)

One year is all it takes for strangers to become lovers...

19-year-old Farrah Lin is going to fall in love for the first time during her year abroad in Shanghai. She's sure of it.

The only problem? Her would-be leading man is her new friend's boyfriend.

There's nothing worse than being in love with someone you can't have...or at least, she thinks it's love.

But if that's true, why can't she stop fantasizing about someone else, specifically the cocky blond athlete with the world's biggest ego (and greatest dimples)?

Blake Ryan is―was―a college football star who shocked the sports world when he quit after his third national championship. Instead of dealing with the fallout, he escapes to Shanghai, where he vows to keep life simple.

No football. No commitments. No romance.

But no matter how hard he tries, he can't keep a certain beautiful brunette off his mind...or out of his heart.

What starts as a physical attraction develops into something much deeper as Blake and Farrah get swept up in the magic of Shanghai―and each other. But they only have one year, and there are forces outside their control that threaten to rip them apart.

Can their relationship survive the test...or was it just not meant to be?

WARNING: This is the first book in a duet. It's a full-length novel with no sudden cliffhangers, but Blake and Farrah's story concludes in book two, If the Sun Never Sets, which takes place five years later.

If We Ever Meet Again is a steamy strangers to friends to lovers romance. Recommended for 18+ due to adult language and explicit content.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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If We Ever Meet Again


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If the Sun Never Sets
If Love Had A Price
If We Were Perfect
Twisted Lies

Resenhas para If We Ever Meet Again (8)

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on 6/2/23

Hum, não sei, eu gostei mas foi tudo mais ou menos, não senti tanta química nesse casal mas gostei da trajetória dos dois, esse aqui é o primeiro de If Love e termina "inacabado" sobre a história do Blake e da Farrah, espero que eles fiquem juntos.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.2 / 52
ranking 4
ranking 46
ranking 37
ranking 10
ranking 4



cadastrou em:
03/02/2023 15:47:21
editou em:
19/02/2023 20:45:47

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