This Delicious Death

This Delicious Death Kayla Cottingham


This Delicious Death

When four best friends with a hunger for human flesh attend a music festival in the desert they discover a murderous plot to expose and vilify the girls and everyone like them. This summer is going to get gory.

Two years ago, a small percentage of population underwent a transformation known as the Hollowing. Those affected were only able to survive by consuming human flesh. The people who went without quickly became feral, turning on their friends and family. Luckily, scientists were able to create a synthetic version of human meat that would satisfy their hunger. As a result, humanity slowly began to return to normal.

Cut to Zoey, Celeste, Valeria, and Jasmine, four hollow girls living in Southern California. As a last hurrah before graduation they decide to attend a musical festival in the heart of the desert. They have a cooler filled with seltzer, vodka, and Synflesh... and are ready to party.

But on the first night of the festival Val goes feral and ends up killing and eating a boy in one of the bands. As other festival guests start disappearing around them the girls soon discover someone is targeting people like them. And if they can't figure out how to stop it, and soon, no one at the festival is getting out alive.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério / Terror

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This Delicious Death


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?Cause baby, now we got bad blood?
on 7/5/23

Assim como em My Dearest Darkest, esse livro foi uma bela surpresa! A escrita tá Kayla é muito boa, leve e fluída. Ela consegue misturar tanta coisa que você nem imaginava e ainda sim continuar com um enredo muito bem construído. Zoey, Celeste, Valeria, e Jasmine são quatro melhores amigas Ghouls que passaram por uma mutação apelidada como Hollowing, onde os afetados só conseguem sobreviver a base de carne humana. Mas, felizmente, os cientistas conseguiram criar uma versão sintética ... leia mais


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