Tempt our fate

Tempt our fate Kat Singleton


Tempt our fate (Sutten Mountain #Book 2)

A Small Town Enemies To Lovers Billionaire Romance

Camden Hunter doesn't belong here.

I've spent my entire life in the small town of Sutten Mountain where everyone knows everyone and you can spot trouble from a mile away.

Camden is trouble.

He’s an arrogant, self-absorbed billionaire from the city with too much money and not enough manners.

And he just opened a fancy art gallery next door to my bakery.

So when he comes to me desperately needing a favor, I can't help but to propose a deal: I’ll cater his grand opening and in return he has to spend a day with me as a local–to experience the beauty and talent this town has to offer.

I expected him to see a different side of Sutten. What I didn’t expect was to see a different side of him.

Now instead of wanting him to leave, I find myself hoping he’ll stay. The more I see him fall for the town, the more I start to wonder if he could ever fall for me.

There’s just one problem. Camden Hunter doesn’t belong in my world, and I don’t belong in his.

He’s a flame and I’m gasoline, and the more we play with fire, the more I find myself questioning how long we can continue to tempt our fate.

Tempt Our Fate is a steamy small-town, enemies to lovers, billionaire, age gap romance. It is the second book set in the fictional town of Sutten Mountain. It is a complete standalone.


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Tempt our fate


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Uma delícia!!
on 8/12/23

Este livro foi uma delícia de ler! Ele vem com uma carga emotiva muito menor em comparação ao primeiro. Nesse aqui, conhecemos Pippa e Camden, os dois se odeiam, mas no fundo aquele é aquele ódio misturado com tensão sexual. No casal Mare e Cade, temos uma tensão angustiante e emocionante, aqui vamos ter um casal mais leve e descontraído com alguns momentos de emoção. Amei o casal Pippa e Camden, e eu estou amando o universo de Sutten!! Mal posso esperar pela estória do Dean!!... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
21/10/2023 10:14:24
editou em:
21/10/2023 10:14:37

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